South Carolina

South Carolina Victim Assistance Network

Provide support services for victims of crime and to prevent future crimes through advocacy, education, public awareness and technical assistance Provides immediate crisis intervention and emotional support to patients, ensuring safety and preventing retraumatization Assures victims are aware of community resources



Phone: 803-750-1200

South Carolina Children's Affairs

The South Carolina Governor's Office of Children's Affairs

Additional Info

South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (SCCADVASA)

The South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (SCCADVASA) is a statewide coalition made up of the 23 domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy organizations in South Carolina. Since 1981, SCCADVASA has been a leader in representing the critical needs of survivors and their families. Our dedicated staff works to make the community aware of issues, problems, policy and legislation regarding Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault. Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault is a public health problem and a community problem as well as an interpersonal one. It destroys relationships and households, and has adverse affects on everyonewho lives in the home, including pets.



Phone: 803-256-2900

South Carolina State Office of Victim Assistance

Additional Info

State Office of Victim Assistance

The State Office of Victim Assistance provides financial assistance to victims of violent crime in South Carolina who meet certain eligibility requirements. The Crime Victim's Compensation Fund is a financial assistance program which helps victims with expenses directly resulting from a crime that are not covered by other payment sources. Examples of costs that may be reimbursed by the fund, after review, are: medical costs, counseling, lost wages/lost support, and burial bills for a deceased victim if proper documentation is submitted. Property loss, property damage, and crime scene clean up are NOT covered. The application for assistance must be signed by a parent or guardian if the victim is under 18 years of age. The Sexual Assault Protocol (SAP)/Child Abuse Protocol (CAP) Program provides payment, directly, to medical providers for sexual assault evidence collection exams, vulnerable adult and child maltreatment evidence collection exams. Forensic interviews for child abuse victims are covered when conducted by an approved interviewer and there is an incident report on file under the Sexual Assault Protocol (SAP)/Child Abuse Protocol (CAP) Program, as well. The agency also provides literature, community education, and professional trainings on topics related to victims' rights and services. The goal of these services is to ensure that South Carolina's crime victims receive quality services at all levels of the criminal justice system.



Phone: (803) 734-1900

Sumter Police Department’s Victim Assistance Unit

The Sumter Police Department’s Victim Assistance Unit strives to provide support and assistance to any person who is a victim (directly or indirectly) of a crime. The Victim Assistance Unit offers comprehensive services to all victims of crime to include: On site crisis intervention and follow-up Referrals to crisis counseling Information on crime victim’s rights Information and referrals to SC Crime Victim’s Compensation Fund Case status updates Advocacy within the criminal and juvenile justice systems to include court accompaniment and transportation if necessary Partnerships with shelters, safe houses and other community service agencies The Victim Assistance Unit also provides training to community and civic groups on a wide range of victimization issues. Additionally, the unit offers consulting and training on law enforcement based victim services to state and local service providers



Phone: (803) 436-2739

National Resources


    This site is for locating state resources for "An Abuse, Rape and Domestic Violence Aid and Resource Collection" organization. Email them at .

  • Victim Information and Notification Everyday

    VINELink is the online version of VINE, the National Victim Notification Network. This is a 24-hour service.

  • Parents of Murdered Children

    To Provide support and assistance to all survivors of homicide victims while working to create a world free of murder.

  • National Organization for Victim Assistance

    A private, non-profit, 501(c)(3) national organization committed to the recognition and implementation of victim rights and services.

  • National Human Trafficking Hotline

    The National Hotline is a national, 24-hour call center that responds to cases of human trafficking. Human trafficking is defined as a situation in which an individual is compelled to work or engage in commercial sex through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.


    • 888-373-888